
Cow Foot Soup In Slow Cooker

A hearty, savory soup filled with provisions, meats and dumplings.

Cow Heel Soup: A traditional soup made in the Caribbean. Full of yams, cassavas, potato and split peas simmered down with cow heel and salted pigtail. #HomeMadeZagat

Is there something that is a part of your country's culture that you do not indulge in? I am sure there is.

As it relates to me and food, there are some dishes that I do NOT touch. Those dishes are very few and far between, but there are some.

I have mentioned time and time again, that Saturday in the Caribbean is "Soup Day". Without fail, there would be soup being made. Saturday soup is a hearty one, full of all types of ground provisions, all types of meats and finished off with dumplings upon dumplings upon dumplings.

This Saturday soup is one I stay away from for two reasons.

Saturday soup isn't like the other soups I've posted before. Actually, it may just be a little close to the pigeon peas soup in that it's a heavy based soup filled with what we refer to as "food" which is everything but the liquid.

Growing up, we had this soup EVERY Saturday. EVERY!! With no fail, it was made. Like CLOCKWORK!!

After eating soup every Saturday for over 20 plus years, I can not eat it anymore. In fact, if I remember correctly, I stopped eating it when I was old enough to go get my own food.

I could not take it anymore. NO MORE COW HEEL SOUP. I will still though, gladly grab a bowl of the famous Trini corn soup or even some carrot soup

Cow Heel Soup: A traditional soup made in the Caribbean. Full of yams, cassavas, potato and split peas simmered down with cow heel and salted pigtail. #HomeMadeZagat

Yes, I just said cow heel. The other reason why I no longer indulge in this soup. That along with the fact that they also used salted pigtail as the other meat.

Let me tell you Trinidad and Tobago is a pork country. Stew pork, geera pork, bbq pigtail. Any way they can eat pork they will do it.

Since I no longer eat pork, then it's always a great reason for me to excuse myself from eating this. And I think that is a better excuse than "I'm tired of eating this soup!!"

Don't let my exit from the Saturday Soup train lower the scrumptiousness (is that a word?) of this soup though. If I knew it wasn't a great dish I would not be posting it. When my sister knew my parents were coming into town the first thing she requested was for some cow heel soup.

So since my Dad was here visiting, he did as he had been doing for as long as I can remember; made cow heel soup on a Saturday.

And as tradition has been set, I went ahead and bought myself my own lunch, while I watched the rest of my family slurp away at their meal.

Cow Heel Soup: A traditional soup made in the Caribbean. Full of yams, cassavas, potato and split peas simmered down with cow heel and salted pigtail. #HomeMadeZagat

And they went in. Sweet potato, some corn, dumplings. All simmered together in a split peas base.

Please don't take my over saturated soup decisions to heart. I really hope you choose to dive into this soup, at least once.

I promise it's worth it.

Cow heel soup, Caribbean soup

Soup, Appetizers


Cow Heel Soup

A traditional soup made in the Caribbean. Full of yams, cassavas, potato and split peas simmered down with cow heel and salted pigtail.


  • 1 cup yellow split peas
  • 1 1/2 lb cow heel
  • 1 cup  cubed pumpkin
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 1/2 lb salted pigtail, cut up
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 medium sweet potato, cubed
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 2 corn on the cob (chopped)
  • Dumplings
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/4 cup  chopped celery
  • 1/4 cup chopped chive
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Water


  1. Wash cow heel and put to boil with the 3 cups of water
  2. When boiling add onion, garlic, salt and cool until cow heel is tender
  3. When tender, add split peas and cook for about 20 minutes
  4. Add pigtails, and provisions (pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, corn on the cob and any other provision that you may want to add)
  5. Add celery and chive
  6. Add dumplings and additional water. Enough to cover the items in the pot
  7. Leave on medium low until provision is ready
  8. Season to taste.


Cow heel can be cooked in the slow cooker overnight till tender

© These are all copyright protected images and content. Do not reprint/reuse this recipe or its images without my written permission.

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my posts. It is much appreciated. Please, if you can like, share, yum and/or pin this, especially if you enjoyed it.

Cow Heel Soup: A traditional soup made in the Caribbean. Full of yams, cassavas, potato and split peas simmered down with cow heel and salted pigtail. #HomeMadeZagat

Before you go check out a soup I actually LOVE:

Pigeon Peas Soup: A deliciously hearty Caribbean soup filled with pigeon peas and various ground provisions #HomeMadeZagat

Cow Foot Soup In Slow Cooker


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